The service is an innovative and globally unique service for risk management in STS operations. It a holistic approach that assists tanker operators to act diligently in all aspects of an STS operations. It consists of an information system (OSIS) for record keeping and knowledge sharing, and several subservices for risk assessment, training and incident management in STS operations. By supporting and following, Tanker Operators proof their commitment in Safety and Environmental protection and effortless exercise their due diligence at the best possible extent.

Challanges we have faced

The development of concept has been considered very challenging and demanding. It is a globally unique service and there was no existing market for this product, thus we had to create one. It took a reasonable amount of time to prove the concept and fine-tune it to create a very useful and strong risk management tool for the Ship to Ship transfer operations. A few of the key elements for this service are:

  • Prompt response to tanker operators. We deliver a very detailed risk assessment report in maximum 30 minutes.
  • 24/7 monitoring and support.
  • Unique STS database for all the involved stakeholders.

The Implementation process

All the members in the service follow specific procedures and processes throughout the whole phase of the STS operation. Tanker operators are provided with state of the art risk and due diligence tools, to mitigate the risk of the STS operation.

  • All members receive a prompt and complete clearance report, which shows whether the nominated vessel satisfies the company criteria and can be accepted for the STS operation.
  • Prior the confirmed STS operation, the master receives a comprehensive risk assessment report, indicating all the grey areas where the risk is considered higher. This tool is a great assistance for the master prior commencement of the STS operation.
  • After the completion of the STS operation, both Masters are requested to revert with the evaluation for the STS operation and all the involved parties.